1 Corinthians 12 vs 12-31
Paul compares the differing ministries that comprise the church with the various functions of the human body.
Many can take great encouragement from this illustration because it is easy for individuals to consider their role within the church (the body of Christ) as insignificant.
Although our role may not be high profile, it is none the less important – even vital in the same way that every part of human anatomy – bones, muscles, nerves, internal organs as well as external members – is vital to life.
Moreover, Paul states that, “God has arranged the parts of the body, every one of them, just as He wanted them to be”. Each part of the body performs a vital function and, to quote a preacher from a previous period of economic uncertainty, “Nobody is unemployed in the Kingdom of God”.
The Church is the victorious Body of Christ and if one part suffers, all parts suffer with it. Our place in the body may not be particularly prominent but, as we fulfil our calling with full dedication to Christ, this Body of Christ will all the more reflect the glory of God.