Mark 9:2-15 / Isaiah 40:27-31
Influential atheists would have us believe that this is an irrelevant question, but it is actually a very important one. There is an awesome, fearsome aspect of God as He is ‘holy’, which means ‘set apart’.
When Moses is in the presence of God on Mount Sinai, this holiness is so evident that even an animal touching the mountain must be stoned to death.
Descending from the mountain, Moses needed to cover his face with a veil because the glory of God was too overwhelming for the people to behold.
In the New Testament, when Jesus comes down after being transfigured on the mountain (Mark 9 v 2-15), His glory as the Son of God causes the crowd to run toward Him. Immediately He is asked to heal a boy possessed by an evil spirit.
God is holy and awesome but He is also concerned with the intimate details of our individual lives.
God’s compassion and understanding is highlighted in Isaiah 40 v 27-31. Our way is not disregarded by God and, if we put our hope and trust in Him, we will ‘soar on wings like eagles’.
In the scriptures, the eagle is a symbol both of the majesty and soaring vision of God and the potential realized by a life fully trusting in God’s love, provision and protection.